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Cacti’s top five reasons why you should record:·
- Legal Compliance
- Information Validation
- Quality Assurance
- Performance Reviews
- Security
Reason 1: Legal Compliance
In regulated industries, recording activities gives both the company
and the consumer some degree of legal protection and the Federal Trade
Commission Safeguards Rules, the Health Information Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) now
require that the companies subject to those rules and regulations
establish a comprehensive information security plan.
HIPAA requires healthcare institutions to enact and enforce security
measures so that patient information remains confidential. GLBA, government
and other agencies also require similar provisions. Should an institution
fail to comply, it will be subject to regulatory enforcement actions,
including fines, litigation and/or license revocation.
The National Association of Securities Dealers (NASDAQ) requires that
both verbal and electronic correspondence with public customers be
maintained. When an employee or other representative of any broker-dealer
telephones or sends business related information electronically, it
must be preserved and maintained in a manner that verifies the authenticity
of the collected data. This also encompasses web based email from
home, all chat conversations and instant messaging.
Legislation such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, passed in response to
the Enron/Arthur Anderson scandal, imposes severe penalties for the
destruction of data, including verbal and electronic data. Other recent
legislation establishes a compelling obligation for businesses to
preserve electronic data that may be relevant to an audit or legal
Reason 2: Information Validation
Information taken by customer service personnel are frequently recorded
and monitored. Recorded information are stored in a server module
that can be easily accessible to supervisors.
Reason 3: Quality Assurance
Recording employee interactions with customers allow managers to
evaluate and improve the effectiveness of their customer service policies
and the performance of their employees, leading to improved customer
satisfaction, increased operational efficiency, reduced costs, and
reduced employee turnover.
Reason 4: Performance Reviews
Customer service personnel are frequently recorded and monitored
as they field calls. Recorded calls are reviewed with supervisors
to evaluate and improve job performance.
Reason 5: Security
Most security threats are created when employees disseminate confidential
information, either intentionally or unintentionally. Recording and
monitoring telephone calls improves security dramatically by providing
an audit trail in case of abuse, and perhaps more importantly, by
preventing abuse by encouraging employees to rise to a new level of